on September 17, 2021
Sep. 18 set-up per. President Trump. stay safe, stay home
In an exclusive interview with The Federalist on Thursday, former President Donald Trump called for Senate Republicans to fire Mitch McConnell and elect a new leader, unloaded on “radicalized” left-wing Democrats, blasted former President George W. Bush as “one of the worst presidents ever,” and criticized current President Joe Biden’s “grossly incompetent” handling of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump also called the planned Sept. 18 rally at the U.S. Capitol a “setup” and said media would use it as an excuse to bash Republicans regardless of its outcome.
“Afghanistan is one of the worst things I think I’ve ever seen for our country,” Trump said. “To lose the young people [killed in the bomb blast] is so horrible. It’s a horrible situation.
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Call it treason instead of grossly incompetent! Biden's a TRAITOR AGAINST THE USA!
  • September 17, 2021 Edited