on November 18, 2021
It never has and it never will make any sense. Mandating something that clearly doesn't work. How is this possible? Because we have a New World Order that wants to dictate everything we do. They want to strip us of all control of our minds and bodies. I will not let that happen to me. Even if I'm the last man standing, they will have to send everyone and their mother after me. I would rather die than comply with this BS. If we don't fight this and win, then the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution mean nothing. We are becoming no better than a 3rd world nation. A dictatorship. If we don't fight, our children and our grandchildren will be the ones who will never know a free America.
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I stand WITH YA and WILL continue to do so!!
  • November 18, 2021
    They are Destroying our Country! We need to Destroy, the Destroyers!
  • November 18, 2021