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Watching Judge J interview Mark Siegel, "Natural Immunity" as good as vaccine. Immune cells in marrow that power up if one encounters covid again. Anybody know What he's talking about?
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Anytime you get a virus your body’s immune system kicks in and creates antibodies. When you get over the virus if your body still has the antibodies so if you get it again it’s not as as bad.
  • June 13, 2021
    Hee Hee Hee, You mean something like this
  • June 13, 2021
    And this, took them 16 months to figure out and the could have looked it up in Wiki.
  • June 13, 2021
    Perhaps you might want to go forth and tell you friends and the world how bad Fauci, Gates and National Healthcare screwed everybody.
  • June 13, 2021
    yep pretty much
  • June 13, 2021
    Are they talking about TCells?
  • June 13, 2021
    Memory B cells take up lodging in the bone marrow, upon reexposure, they emerge, convert to plasma cells and start cranking out IgG antibodies.
  • June 13, 2021
    Thanks those were the other ones I couldn't think of. And my old eyes can't read that small print lol 🤓
  • June 13, 2021
    Gentle Folks, this is the knowledge that you need to share with your liberal friends. This knowledge is old knowledge. There are those in the Swamp that Screwed everybody just because they didn't like Orange Man. And a half a million of our Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers died for it.
  • June 13, 2021 Edited