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John Brock

Lives in United States. Is married.

Status Update

John Brock
you know after the Nov 3rd election I was crushed. I couldn't believe those democrats with help from the media Stole our Election! to see our country fall and still falling after that fraud was put i... View More
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I truly hope so, but I'm still not convinced hat any subsequent elections will be fair.
  • June 10, 2021
    Where there's a will, and there is, there is a way, many ways, and the Democrats have a devious will, an agenda, and have many ways to subvert the actual will of the people, to further their agendas. It's going to be a rough, angering, dangerous decade!
  • June 10, 2021
    I believe America's days of greatness are behind us now. The lord said wars and rumors of war, do not be concerned because these are growing pains. We haven't seen anything yet. But the Lord did give us warning about these days and the days to come.
  • June 10, 2021
    But also remember he told us that if we love him and Jesus nothing bad that is coming will effect those who love him.
  • June 10, 2021
    God told us the one world system would receive a deadly wound,(hopefully that's the Great Awakening happening) but then Satan himself will be released on this earth and come claiming to be Jesus don't fall for it. He doesn't come in all destructive he's coming PEACEFULLY and prosperously but is fak... View More
  • June 10, 2021
    3 1/2 years of peace on earth is how trib begins. then all hell breaks loose.
  • June 10, 2021
    Biblical prophecies and promises aside, sadly, it all can be used as a crutch, or an excuse not to do anything, or to vote, join the military, etc. I mean, why do anything, when the bible says it's all going to shit anyway? Sadly, no one thinks that maybe, just maybe, the opposition knows that type... View More
  • June 10, 2021