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Some Possible Evidence He Was Planning Ahead. Only the guilty think this is an embarrassment. Hat tip, FreedomHello @FreedomHello https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/11/trump-approves-hanging-fir... View More
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Ain't that the truth
  • February 15, 2022
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    "Revolt against the Masses" is a story about the history of the left. Written by Fred Siegel and covered by Dan Bongino on his show Dan claims the following passage is a good description of left, the ... View More
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    At the risk of being accused of Russian collusion, the problems in Ukraine are a continuation of Obama interfering in Ukraines 2014 elections. It is after this interference that Putin moved into Crime... View More
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    Who is the real threat to Democracy? 574 riots during the summer of 2020. 60 members of the Secret Service injured in assault on White House. 700 Police Officers injured country wide in the wake of th... View More
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